I captured those images yesterday in Phrao, Thailand to share with you
this really amazing NATURE’s CREATION, called DRAGON FRUIT.
I assume you must have seen that fruit somewhere. It’s also called PITAYA. It is a tropical fruit and most importantly it’s actually a fruit of a plant that is a cactus! The fruit is really beautiful on the outside and on the inside. Very juicy, quite firm but not soft and not crunchy flesh with a gazillion of little crunchy seeds, that pop like chia seeds when you eat it. It is very mild in taste, not really sweet, but not acidic either. It also has two versions: white and purple inside.
The very important information is that this fruit is actually very reach in OMEGA-3 fatty acids. Find it and offer this to your kids. I just simply add it to their smoothies. Cube, freeze and add like you would put any superfood.

I was going through our town Phrao yesterday and spotted this on a bush at someone’s house. I was quite astonished, as I was expecting this fruit to grow low on the ground, like cactuses I know. But to my surprise it was about 3 meters in the air, growing out of some other tree:
Do you see how the flower is shaped like? Now I know why fruit’s name is Dragon Fruit. The flower looks like a dragon’s neck hanging down with flames coming out of his mouth. It even has ears! Those flowers above are fading a little bit, but look at the other one I spotted at the next house, in full bloom. How beautiful!
But the most intriguing part is that those plants are growing here on other trees or like this one, just on the energy pole! I have seen it climb on fences and walls too. What a funny and smart plant.
Since PITAYA season has just started in here we were able to buy a purple one on the market and the smoothie came out like this:
Maya was so happy to enjoy this Princess-Royalty drink in her Thai new skirt 🙂
The recipe is very simple as usual:
1/2 Pitaya, the Dragon Fruit
3 Bananas or 1/2 Pineapple (if you want it more sweet’n’sour)
3-5 ice cubes
1 Tbsp. Coconut Sugar
Coconut water to your preference
I know there are frozen tropical fruit pulp’s to find but Pitaya is usually imported as I was able to find it at our local supermarket many times in Poland.
I know! It was a big surprise for me too. I do not like the fruit itself like really a lot, but it’s wonderfull addition to salads and as a snack along with something else like cucumber or some acidic fruit – pineapple. But the omega-3 is really a great thing about them. Purple one is the best color I have ever seen in a fruit, and it doesn’t fade out with time like many other do. More soon 🙂
Thanks Ulkanka, it is so great learning this from you I had no idea that they had omega 3!
I actually had my first dragon fruit this summer and was amazed that it had next no taste, but they look so beautiful I knew they had to be good for you.
Look forward to more!
Much love to you all xox