ECZEMA SECRET – an answer to the most itchy question: HOW TO HEAL ECZEMA?


– an answer to the most itchy question: HOW TO HEAL ECZEMA?

This is my new eBook that I wrote for those who are looking for an answer and want to heal their eczema. In this book I focused on explaining how our body works and what is the cause of eczema.

“Eczema Secret” is a short version of “The Fruit Cure”, so if you have purchased it, you don’t need this one. It is for those who are not sure if they wanted to invest in the whole program, but want to learn about this method and find our how it works. Once you read “Eczema Secret” you can decide if you want to try and then read “The Fruit Cure” to learn how to do it. Inside this book is a discount code that will allow to purchase it at a special price.

By bringing a lot of information and sharing my experience I believe I delivered a clear answer and this book may change your life the same way as this idea had changed me and my family’s life dramatically.  

Book costs $8.99 and is also available on Amazon (Kindle) and iTunes for different versions, depending on your devices. In our store you can purchase a PDF version to keep and view on your computer. 



Here are chapters:

  1. About Author
  2. Introduction
  3. Tip of an iceberg theory
  4. Is everyone’s eczema really different
  5. You are what you eat
  6. You are what you think
  7. Is eczema an allergy
  8. Eczema in children
  9. What really causes eczema
  10. How raw food diet helps with eczema
  11. The ultimate eczema cure
  12. Verify your current lifestyle
  13. Detox
  14. Testimonials
  15. You Tube
  16. Follow us on social media
  17. My art
  18. Copyright


Happy reading!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jess

    This looks great! And it’s not expensive.

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